Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Blessings Overflowing...

So many people to thank - This space isn't big enough.......So please except my apologies for now and look out for later posts !...

Not only do we have many wonderful members who are camera shy (except one!).* I hope that will change as they all deserve the credit in getting this far!*.....But also very supportive spouses...Each one contributing to the fundraising/building work in their own unique way....Sorting out things for our carboots and releasing their loved ones to spend hours on a weekend on our chook site.....I promise that they haven't been down the pub *GRIN*!!!..The proof is now in the pics ;)

HMMMMM .....Maybe Jiliang can talk them ( our wonderful spouses) into having their pics taken so that we can thank them properly on a later post!.....But in the meantime.... I would like to say a special word of "thanks" to.....

Wei an active member of the "Fundraising Team" with two carboots under her belt....She also feeds us when we are busy working and building....Her yummy courgette pancakes and runner bean dumplings have become a food legend on our allotments...

Trevor Sheldrick , a local Town Councillor who has actively supported us from the onset - as well as being a very welcome pair of hands on the "Building Team".

I know everyone won't mind me adding my lovely hubbie..Tony.. I know that he is loving this project as he adores building things...But I just wanted to say a BIG "Thank you" to him for believing in the "chook club" from the first tiny spark of what seemed like a crazy idea.

More *Thank you's* BUT this time official ones....Recently, we have received notification from our local Town Council that we have been granted £130 from the "Power Of Well Being" Grant....So on behalf of our chicken co-operative :>
** Thank you to everyone (especially all our local Councillors) at our wonderful Town Council - Special thanks to Trevor, Carol, Elaine and Phillip... **

And a Big *Squeezy Hug* of thanks to our wonderful spouses for their on-going support  X